Fic #1: Fallen (Chapter 01 - Unfortunate Task)

Author Name: Rayne
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: GoF. Written between Goblet of Fire and Order of Phoenix. Genre: Romance, Suspense
Era: The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Main Character(s): D, Hr
Ship(s): D/Hr
Summary: Professor McGonagall asked Hermione Granger to help her with the students who has detention. But she was not aware that she would be assigned to Draco Malfoy, the boy she hated so much and also the boy who will change his character in front of her.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.



It was the first week of classes in Hogwarts and Hermione was finally back to her usually Oh-I-Need-To-Study Self, though there were many things that bothered her after what happened at the World Cup.

But the first week went on fine and she never gave Harry and Ron a chance not to study their lessons and just let the days and nights pass away with no purpose. Hermione's rants went on one evening in the Gryffindor common room which was to everyone's horror.

"You should be studying!" she said in a high-pitched voice.

"Listen. Hermione, IT - IS - THE - FIRST - WEEK - OF - THE - TERM." Ron retorted and Harry supported him by nodding vigorously beside him.

Hermione folded her arms and frowned at her two best friends. She knew that she would have to give a greater effort to make these two do their home work with justice. She was just about to open her mouth when Ginny came in from the portrait hole and approached her.

"Hi!" Ginny greeted, and then she saw Harry, fell silent and sat beside Hermione. "Professor McGonagall wants you in her office right now." She whispered softly as though highly embarrassed of being in front of Harry.

"Really? For what?" she asked, curiously.

"I don't know, but probably about detentions. She's making some Slytherin do it at this very moment." Ginny replied, shrugging.

Hermione's face fell. She would of liked to start doing her homework but she felt obliged to go to McGonagall. After giving Harry and Ron some very sharp glares, she walked out of the common room, down some moving staircases and then finally reached McGonagall's office. She knocked three times and waited.

"Come in." The professor's voice called from inside.

Hermione opened the door and found only one Slytherin inside with McGonagall. Draco Malfoy looked up at her with disgust and turned away angrily.

"Ms. Granger, Im glad that you came. I have something to ask from you." Professor McGonagall said as she gestured Hermione to take the seat opposite of Malfoy's.

Hermione was avoiding Malfoy's eyes as much as he was avoiding hers. Neither of them wanted to be in the same place at the same time, especially sitting so close to each other.

"Ms. Granger", started Professor McGonagall, as she joined her hands and placed them over the table. "I shall be getting straight to the point of why I had called you here tonight. As you can see, Mr. Malfoy has detention for not completing his homework for Transfiguration class and needs to do something about it. Now, I cannot watch over him as the Headmaster has given me a task to be completed tonight."

I don't like the sound of this. Hermione told herself, looking down at her feet. She looked up at Draco and caught him looking sharply at her as though this was her fault. She wanted to kill him.

"So, to make everything short, I want you Ms. Granger, to come with Mr. Malfoy into the forbidden forest and perform his detention. I cannot ask anyone than you as none are as clever and as brave. I wish you patience and luck. Now off you go, I have many things to do." Professor McGonagall went on then leaned back on her chair.

Hermione waited for Draco to move but he didn't budge.

McGonagall stared at them.

"What? Do you want me to call Hagrid and make him carry you down to the forest?"

Malfoy scowled and got to his feet.

Hermione followed hesitantly and the two of them walked out of the office, walking a great distance from each other. Hermione felt regretful. She didn't want to refuse Professor McGonagall's wish, but being with Malfoy was too much. She would punch him again if he got too rude.

The two of them didn't say a single word until they reached the grounds and walked towards the forest. Tonight, it looked scarier than before, with it's thick black trees and the darkness that surrounded it.

Malfoy gave her an angry snarl.

"Wait till father hears about this. How dare she order me back to this horrible place?" He cursed under his breath.

Hermione would've liked to reply but thought better of it. As much as possible, she didn't want to start a conversation with this scumbag.

"Worse," Malfoy continued, "Why assign me with a Mudblood? I could do well with that stupid Diggory. He would be much better and I could even get to kick his ass for roaming the place like a handsome sissy actor."

"He's kind, Malfoy. And stop stabbing people's back. I never knew you could be this rude." Hermione spat angrily, not able to stop herself.

Malfoy came to a halt and turned to face her, his face screwed up in frustration. "I never asked you anything, squirrel." He said, showing his teeth to emphasize Hermione's rather large front teeth.

Oh I want to so bad - said Hermione, clenching her fists, but restrained herself. She was

thankful that Malfoy had resumed his track and proceeded into the Forbidden Forest.

The place was eerie, silent, and full of fog. The two were forced to walk nearer to each other because of the scary atmosphere. Hermione would've liked to burst out laughing at the sight of Malfoy's face.

Scared little ferret. She thought to herself, grinning secretly as she walked after him.

Minutes passed and they went deeper into the forest, Hermione couldn't stand the silence anymore and ended up asking him what his punishment was.

Malfoy turned to her as though he would've liked to hit her in the face with a frying pan but then hissed

"I need to find Emegophs. And take some of their dried wer - weri - weh -"

"Emogophs' werhemose" Hermione interrupted. "Those are their wings. Emogophs are small dwarf-like creatures who are responsible for too much growth on trees and plants. We can find them at the east part of the forest." Hermione explained, easily.

"Whatever, Know-It-All." He said, frowning.

"Whatever, Know-Nothing." She retorted.

Malfoy stopped and approached her, their faces inches apart.

"Never - insult - me - Granger..." He said under his breath. "Or I might hurt you."

"Oh I want to see you try, Malfoy." She said, her hand flying into her pockets to grasp her wand. "I've always wanted to hex you into a worm."

Malfoy looked a bit threatened and backed away. He glared at her and went on again.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

She felt cold and tired, also highly irritated with this Bird-Brain. She wished she could be back in the common room, scribbling some essays or reading the new book she got from Flourish and Blotts.

Why - of all the people - was I chosen to be with this stupid oaf? She thought, shaking her head.

Sighing, Hermione folded her arms and walked on.

Indeed, like what she told herself, this would be a long night.

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