Fic #1: Fallen (Chapter 02 - Unfolding)

Author Name:Rayne
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: GoF. Written between Goblet of Fire and Order of Phoenix.
Genre: Romance, Suspense
Era: The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Main Character(s): D, Hr
Ship(s): D/Hr
Summary: They were not alone in the forest and someone or something's watching them from the dark. Hermione Granger was alarmed, but nothing can alarm her more than the growing fondness she's been developing with every second she's been spening with Draco Malfoy.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. All characters and situations are created by JK Rowling. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.



Where is he going!? Hermione looked highly disgruntled after an hour of walking in the dark.

Malfoy was walking a few feet from her but he never said a work, turning and walking through gaps of tree trunks and over large roots. It was very cold and the mist was getting thicker.

Suddenly, Malfoy stopped and so did Hermione. He was not moving and she couldn't see his face. She was about to say something when he overrode her.

"Shut up. Don't make a sound." He breathed, turning to her.

Malfoy's eyes were darting everywhere. They were in the middle of clumped trees and all they could see was their silhouettes. Hermione felt her blood run cold and she looked around nervously. She grasped her wand tightly inside her pocket and stepped forward.

"What is it?" she whispered to Malfoy.

"I said shut up Gran - "

Then they heard it.

Something was moving at their left and they backed away. Hermione's eyes were wide; already thinking of any hexes that she could use on whatever danger might approach them in the dark.

She stepped back behind Malfoy and was taken aback and he blocked her with his hand, as though trying to protect her. She shoved this off her mind, saying to herself that she was imagining things.

"Don't move". Malfoy whispered back, eyes still at the spot where the sound came.

"I'm not a little girl to protect." She replied.

"Who says I'm protecting you? Assuming, you are." He snarled, indignantly.

Crack! THUD!

The two of them gave a jump when a branch fell somewhere near them. Both of them felt scared, they couldn't see what was hiding behind the dark and mist.

"Let's just go back, I'll tell Professor McGonagall that...that I did something stupid and wanted to head back...whatever...lets just go..." muttered Hermione, going a little pale.

Malfoy stared at her. Though he felt disgusted to be with her here at the forest, something hit him hard when she said that she'll take the blame if they turn around and headed back at that moment.

He then turned away to hide the pink patches that appeared on his face. He narrowed his eyes on the dark and tried to find whatever it is that was hidden from sight.

"Mu - Granger, if something dangerous comes out, go and run." He said, clearly.

Hermione looked up at him.


"Cause I'm gonna run myself. I don't want to be going back if you get killed for running so slow." He said, sneering.

"You stinking piece of - "

"Sssshhh! Did you hear that?" he intervened. Both of them fell silent at once, absorbing their surroundings.

Hermione finally took out her wand.

It was confirmed, there were footsteps somewhere near them and they couldn't see it.

"Malfoy, let's go. Come on." Hermione said.

"I'm not scared, Granger." Said Malfoy furiously. Hermione stepped backward in alarm and tripped over a huge root and fell to the ground. Her head hit a stone and her eyesight blurred. She winced and didn't move for a moment.

Malfoy's eyes widened when she saw Hermione fell and even felt a bit of panic when he saw blood oozed from her head. He approached her, though hesitating whether to help or not.

"A-Are you...are you alright?" He said, not knowing what to do.

"H-Help me - s-stand....up..." She said softly, eyes closed.

Malfoy crouched down beside her and held her up. He brought her over to lean on the trunk of one of the tress and stared at her. The blood trickled down her forehead and he could see her wincing with pain.

Malfoy didn't know what to do at that very moment. If he was with Crabbe and Goyle, he would find this entertaining. But as he was standing there, alone, watching her in pain, it was a different story. He had felt pity, after a long time, pity beyond explanation.

" h-heal wounds?" Hermione breathed, chest rising and falling.

This brought Draco back to his senses, he pointed his wand over Hermione's head and the wound disappeared, though the charm didn't take away the pain that still lingered within her head.

Hermione blinked a few times and saw Draco sitting over a distance from her, his face buried in his hands. She didn't know what to think but he just helped her with no complains. He followed him, she could feel his concern. T

his is a different Draco. She thought.

Malfoy then looked up and stared fixedly on her.

For the first time, Hermione realized that he wasn't that little scurrying Slytherin prat anymore but he had grown mature just like them. He looked manly as she stared into those pools of grey eyes.

"Look, if you can manage to walk by yourself now, you could go back to the castle without me. And don't look at me like that, Granger!" He snapped when he saw Hermione grinned.

"All I'm saying is that McGonagall was wrong on choosing you to help me. You're actually no help at all."

Hermione felt the anger for Malfoy again as she closed her eyes and heaved a deep breath. She struggled to her feet, her knees shaking, and straightened up. She got hold of her wand and started to walk.

"Fine." She said shortly. "If that's what you want, Malfoy."

She glared at him and told herself that she would be more thankful that she would be able to finally leave this eerie forest. But after the Helping Incident, she couldn't ignore the fact that she couldn't leave him there...all alone in the dark...and there was also something within this forest hidden from their eyes.

What's happening to you, Hermione? She angrily told herself.

She was losing it.

She's talking about Malfoy. DRACO MALFOY! The Slytherin she hated so much and had caused them so many troubles.

But the Malfoy that she could see now is different.

Is it possible that he had changed?

Shaking her head, Hermione went on and didn't even dare to look back. She walked in quick paces, ignoring the throbbing pain on her head. She was keeping her eyes on the pathway, fighting back her conscience.

You shouldn't have left him there on his own.

"Or for pit sake, why should I care about him anyway?"

He helped you. And you know it's the right thing.

"He's Draco Malfoy! He's a mad dung head!"

Why are you so defensive? All you need to do is to be with him until he finishes his detention. Besides, you gave your word to McGonagall.

"Curse you, Hermione!" she said aloud to herself, turning back and headed towards Malfoy's direction. She hated it that she was always defeated by her conscience though it was sometimes helpful when she needs to decide on large and important things.

Feeling disgusted, Hermione folded her arms as she walked back. She tried not to imagine what Malfoy might think if he saw her again.

I hate being too nice.

She was cursing under her breath when she heard something.

Something that brought a piercing pain inside her chest.

Something that made her body froze and rooted on the spot.

That something made her run faster deep into the forest.

She heard Malfoy screaming.


Anonymous said...

Great start to the fic, Rayne. It shall be interesting to see what caused Hermione to stiffen up.

Mahkee said...

actually Im already working on it. And as soon as my Beta sends it back nice and edited, it'll be ready to go.

Thanks for reading Cam! :D
I know you hated it that it only has two chapters. Leaves you at the edge of your seat abandoned. LOL.
